Chapter 108: Follower
Chapter 107: The Border
Chapter 106: Square One
Chapter 105: Revolutionary (Part 3)
Volknir Precia
(VOHLK-ner PRESS-ee-ah)
Age: 33
Sex: Male
Birthday: 4/11
Height: 5'7”
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Likes: Himself
Dislikes: The Ziorre Empire
Volknir is the leader of the Scaladia Liberation Army, a separatist faction in the province of Scaladia seeking independence. Volknir's army has declared war on the Ziorre Empire.
Volknir is cunning and charismatic. Although he claims he wants independence, in reality, he's determined to destroy the Empire and be recognized in history. He's not above killing innocents to achieve his goals. He possesses the ability to read a certain Scroll of Arcane Knowledge that allows him to distort the area around him.