Chapter 164: The Burning Forest (Part 1)
Chapter 163: Negotiation Tactics
Chapter 162: Forest Guardian
Parvati Supada
(Par-VAH-tee Soo-PAH-duh)
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Birthday: 7/18
Height: 5'7”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Likes: Dancing, competitions
Dislikes: Weak people
Parvati is a street performer from the coastal country of Narask. She is obsessed with one-upping people and prefers not to ever lose. She loves to perform and show off. Parvati can be very blunt when speaking to people. Deep down, she cares about others, even if she doesn't like to admit it.
Parvati uses a combination of dancing and martial arts when in combat. She is a very talented dancer and can move quickly. Parvati can hold her own against much larger opponents, but she can get frustrated and start making mistakes if she's not careful.