(LHOW-zoo Yahng)
Age: 70
Sex: Male
Birthday: 11/28
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: He's Bald
Likes: Taking naps, tea
Dislikes: Being underestimated, rushing
Lao-tzu is a highly trained monk who lives at the Dilago Monastery, high up on a mountain. His sworn duty was to honor the Mountain Guardian, one of the world's 5 Divine Guardians, but the Guardian was slain by the Ziorre Imperial Army, leaving Lao-tzu searching for answers. He's old and likes to take time to rest and relax frequently.
Lao-tzu is an extremely powerful martial artist. Although he needs time to prepare his attacks due to his old age, when he unleashes his techniques, he's a force to be reckoned with. Lao-tzu's “Quaking Fist” attack is powerful enough to shake the ground beneath him whenever he uses it.